Apply to Youth IGF working groups!
17 August 2021
This December, the Internet Governance Forum will be held in Katowice, Poland. An inherent element of each IGF is the Youth Summit - a youth summit initiative, which for several years has become an increasingly important part of the whole event. You can be part of the community. Apply to join us!
The project aims to create a space for young people to actively participate in the Internet governance process, allowing them to take part in a multi-stakeholder dialogue between representatives of governments, international organizations, the private sector and academia on topics such as cybersecurity, digital inclusion or sustainable digital development. This year we are focusing on policy-making and related outreach skills. Therefore, we want to devote this year's Youth Summit Project to working together to develop ways in which we can effectively get our ideas out to the people and institutions that have the capacity to put them into action. The Youth Summit project consists of two main parts: the first one will take place in October and November and will involve working in small groups (5-6 people), composed of participants from different countries and led by young experts. Each group will focus on one thematic area related to Internet governance - e.g. cyber security, data protection, remote education, etc. The main task of the group members will be to develop policy papers, containing the so-called "points of action". - The main task of the members of the group will be to develop policy papers containing "points of action" that will propose concrete solutions to the problems that the participants perceive in a given area of digital policy. The second stage will be for the participants to present the results of their work during the Youth Summit, an event on day 0 of the IGF. Project members will also have the opportunity to participate in the rest of the IGF conference. The initiative is aimed at people between 18 and 30 years old who would like to take their first steps in poicy-making and Internet management activities. Additional experience will be an advantage, but it is not required - motivation alone is enough :)
Apply by August 31, 2021.
Details in the link below:,Project-Youth-Summit-registration.html