IGF Poland 2022 on October 20 in Lublin!
14 October 2022

We invite you to this year's edition of IGF Polska 2022, which will be held on October 20 at the Lublin Conference Center. The agenda also includes the IGF Poland Youth Summit - debuting at the local IGF!
This year, the IGF Poland Youth Summit will take place in a new formula. We will talk not only about the activities of our initiative, but we will also meet experts with whom we will discuss the most current trends in internet governance: fake news, data science, data collection via mobile applications.
The event is divided into two official parts - the first one will take place at the Lublin Conference Center, while the second at the Medical University of Lublin, which is this year's partner of YIGF Poland.
Lublin Conference Center - room S8
10:30-11:25 The war is already in your phone. Disinformation. Threats and countermeasures.
Dr. Eng. Rafał Tomasz Prabucki, YIGF Poland, CYBER SCIENCE UŚ; Izabela Jarka, NASK; Aleksandra Wrona, NASK
11:30-12:15 Give me data! - on medical technologies and data management in the health sector
Marta Musidłowska - YIGF Poland, Instrat Foundation; Tomasz Imiela M.D. - District Medical Chamber in Warsaw; Korneliusz Krysiak - Institute of Telecommunications
Medical University of Lublin - Auditorium Maximum
14:00-15:00 Debate: Ethical and legal aspects of obtaining medical data through mobile applications
Dominika Syrociak - YIGF Poland; Aleksandra Iskra - AIskra Law Office; Daria Karwan - Mennica Skarbowa S.A.
15: 10-16: 00 Youth IGF Poland - join us! - networking
Emilia Zalewska, YIGF Poland, NASK
We also invite you to the evening meeting of Youth IGF at the Niekasyno club, Bernardyńska 3 Str., Lublin. Start at 18.00!
Registration for IGF Polsa 2022 at: https://www.gov.pl/web/igf-polska/rejestracja-na-szczyt-cyawod-igf-polska-2022