IGF 2023 Kyoto
30 March 2023

Long time no see, but Youth IGF Poland is active more than ever! Coming soon a summary of our activities after IGF PL 2022, IGF 2022 in Ethiopia and a new project that we are doing at unis all over Poland! Meanwhile, a handful of information about the Global IGF, which returns to Asia this year.
The IGF 2023 intersessional work and the 18th annual IGF meeting are being planned. During the First IGF 2023 Open Consultations and MAG Meeting, it was decided that the IGF 2023 overarching theme is ''The Internet We Want - Empowering All People''. The programme is developing around eight sub-themes:
AI & Emerging Technologies;
Avoiding Internet Fragmentation;
Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Online Safety;
Data Governance and Trust;
Digital Divides and Inclusion;
Global Digital Governance and Cooperation;
Human Rights and Freedoms;
Sustainability & Environment.
The Second IGF 2023 Open Consultations and MAG Meeting will take place on 10-12 July at the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG), Switzerland and online.
For more information go to the official IGF Secretariat website: https://www.intgovforum.org/en